Opstandigen en de gevestigde orde

De gevestigde orde sluit compromissen om de commissie te behagen en wringt zich in bochten om de status quo te verdedigen. Opstandelingen hebben het vermogen om zonder een commissie te werken en om de status quo te vernietigen. Het spel is opgesteld in het voordeel van de opstandelingen, echter: *opstandigen staan onder druk van bestuur, …

Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration

Transcript of Howard Rheingold’s TED-2005 talk about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action—and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group. As he points out, humans have been banding together to work collectively since our days of hunting mastodons.

Nieuwe zakelijke modellen voor de transitieperiode

Michel Bauwens tipte me gisteren op een artikel in [http://www.6minutes.be 6 minutes business]: :Eindeloze groei in ons beperkt natuurlijk systeem is onmogelijk. Wij bevinden ons nu in een transitiefase waarin nieuwe peer-productiegemeenschappen zoeken naar ideale samenwerkingsvormen. En die zijn er in het internet, nu al, en ze hebben succes. Lees meer over [http://www.6minutes.be/NL/Artikel.aspx?ArtikelID=8461&RubriekID=34 Nieuwe zakelijke …

Telekommunisten – the worker-owned telephone company

Worker Owned and Operated telekommunisten is controlled by it’s workers and committed to staying that way, we believe we can serve our customers best and at the lowest cost by remaining focused on meeting the needs of our employees and customers, not on profits for outside shareholders. Being worker-owned means that all the money you …

Groovy Actors

[http://www.groovyactors.org/ ] Refreshed my link with Gerald “[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensegrity tensegrity]” de Jong, triggered by a blog entry from TED titled [http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TEDBlog/~3/152990430/theo_jansen.php Creatures on the beach] from the Dutch sculptor Theo Jansen which instantly reminded me of Gerald’s [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fluidiom/ Fluidiom] and [http://www.darwinathome.org Darwin at Home] projects. Gerald’s email signature also mentioned [http://www.groovyactors.org/ Groovy Actors]: :In a nutshell …

The Artist’s Way

‘k Las er gisteren over in [http://www.zinboek.nl/weblog/2007/07/09/mijn-creativiteitsmonster Mijn creativiteitsmonster] van [http://www.zinboek.nl/weblog André Meiresonne]: ”'[http://www.theartistsway.com/ The Artist’s Way]—A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity”’ van [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Cameron Julia Cameron]. Kan ik vast veel van leren. Ook mee op vakantie. Ook bij [http://www.mystiek.nl/ Mystiek] gekocht. Engelstalig. €17.55.

Crowdsourcing Directory

Just one day after my regestration at [[Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing]], Carl at [http://creativecrowds.com Creative Crowds] tipped me on the [http://www.crowdsourcingdirectory.com/ Crowdsourcing Directory]. Uhmpf… awful lot of creative crowd work going on. A sheer infinite flurry of innovation sources. Howcome I only see this now? Wonderful! Diving into it because I will find the …

Cambrian House, Home of Crowdsourcing

[http://www.cambrianhouse.com/?ref=Martien ] [http://harryvandervelde.nl/ Harry van der Velde] tipped me on [http://www.cambrianhouse.com/?ref=Martien Cambrian House] some time ago. What a wonderful [http://wiki.aardrock.com/holacracy holacratic] way of [[Totally Unique Thoughts|turning thoughts into things]]. Community-owned—so “[http://wiki.aardrock.com/One_From_Many Dee Hock]” in its chaorganization. So co-creative. While preparing a proposal for [http://andarr.nl/ Andarr] this morning, I decided to sign up. Looking forward to …