Conditioning Matters

From Quantum to Perception: How Our Reality Emerges from Our Conditioning

In conversation with ChatGPT

  • Our reality is grounded in quantum mechanics.
  • Our reality emerges from the quantum mechanical field as a result of our sensory observations.
  • Our sensory observations are conditioned by our previous experiences and perceptions.
  • The act of observing or measuring a quantum mechanical system changes its state, as per the uncertainty principle.
  • The classical world is not a separate realm from the quantum mechanical world, but rather a subset of it that emerges through our observations and conditioning.
  • Our shared perception of reality is a result of our global conditioning.
  • Science, knowledge gathering, and communication aim to create a shared perception of reality.
  • Our perception of reality is always limited by our conditioning and previous experiences.

Let’s nail it

Let’s consider a simple nail. From a quantum mechanical perspective, the nail is not a classical object that exists independently of the observer. Rather, the nail only takes on classical properties such as position and shape when it interacts with an observer. This interaction causes the wave function of the nail to collapse, resulting in a classical object that can be perceived and measured.

Now, let’s imagine a hypothetical scenario where a person has never been conditioned to perceive nails. In this case, the person may not recognize the object as a nail, but rather may perceive it as a collection of atoms or particles. Without the conditioning that leads to the perception of nails as discrete, solid objects, the person’s perception of the nail would be fundamentally different.

This example highlights how our perception of reality is heavily influenced by our conditioning and the interactions between the observer and the observed. Without our shared understanding of what a nail is and how it behaves, the object would not be perceived as a nail at all, but rather as a collection of particles with different properties. It is through our conditioning and shared understanding that we are able to perceive and interact with the world in a coherent and meaningful way.


Reading is writing

Another compelling example of the relationship between quantum mechanics and our perceived reality is the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, a beam of light is passed through a screen with two parallel slits and projected onto a surface behind it. The pattern that emerges on the surface is an interference pattern, indicating that the light behaves as a wave.

However, if the experiment is conducted with a detector to observe which slit the photon passes through, the interference pattern disappears, and the pattern becomes that of two distinct lines, indicating that the photon behaves as a particle.

This example shows how the act of measurement or observation can change the behavior of a quantum mechanical system, and how our perception of reality is conditioned by our measurement tools and the information we choose to observe. It highlights the idea that our perceived reality is not necessarily an accurate representation of the underlying reality, but rather a conditioned representation based on our measurements and observations.


Perception is reality

Our understanding of reality is rooted in the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern the behavior of particles and fields in the universe. At the same time, our perception of reality is shaped by our sensory experiences, which are influenced by cultural, linguistic, and social factors. The relationship between the quantum world and our classical, everyday experience of reality is complex and ongoing, and research in physics, philosophy, and cognitive science seeks to shed light on this fascinating and often perplexing topic.


Conditioning is perception

One key insight is the fundamental role played by the act of observation and measurement in shaping our understanding of the world around us. As we interact with the world through our senses, we create a kind of map or model of reality that is based on our experiences. This model is shaped not only by the physical laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy, but also by our cultural and linguistic backgrounds, our social and political contexts, and a range of other factors.


Perception is subjective

At the same time, the act of observation and measurement itself is deeply entangled with the laws of quantum mechanics. The act of observing a system can change the state of that system, and the uncertainty principle limits our ability to precisely measure certain observables like position and momentum. This means that our observations are always limited and incomplete, and our models of reality are always provisional and subject to revision as new data becomes available.


Observing is measuring

Despite these limitations, however, the act of observation and measurement remains a vital part of how we come to understand the world around us. By refining our techniques for measuring and analyzing phenomena, we are able to deepen our understanding of the physical laws that govern the universe, and to develop new technologies and applications that can improve our lives and the world we live in.


Measuring is ever evolving

At the same time, we must be mindful of the ways in which our cultural and linguistic backgrounds can shape our perceptions and interpretations of the world, and work to cultivate an awareness of our own biases and assumptions. By doing so, we can help to create a more inclusive and equitable society, and build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.


Open, deep, and curious

In conclusion, the relationship between quantum mechanics and our perception of reality is a rich and complex topic that touches on many aspects of human experience, from the physical laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy, to the cultural and linguistic factors that shape our perceptions and interpretations of the world. By exploring this relationship with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity, we can deepen our understanding of the world around us and create a better future for ourselves and for all of humanity.


Me & ChatGPT

Suppose person A throws a ball to person B. How do both people ‘calculate’ the best way to throw and catch the ball?

When person A throws the ball to person B, their brain performs a complex series of calculations to determine the optimal trajectory and speed of the ball based on their perception of the distance, angle, and other relevant factors such as the weight and shape of the ball.

The brain of person B also performs similar calculations to anticipate the trajectory of the ball and position themselves in the optimal position to catch it. They may use visual cues, such as the speed and direction of the ball, as well as proprioceptive information, such as the position and movement of their own body, to make these calculations.

Both persons rely on their past experience and motor skills to throw and catch the ball, as well as their ability to communicate with each other if they are playing a game or engaged in an activity that requires coordination. With practice and repetition, their brains can learn to make increasingly accurate and precise calculations, leading to more successful throws and catches.


So, both persons have been ‘trained’ to do so properly? Their ‘training’ results in the experience to successfully throw and catch the ball?

Yes, both persons have likely acquired a certain level of training and experience that enables them to successfully throw and catch the ball. Through practice and repetition, they have developed the necessary motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, balance, and timing, to accurately throw and catch the ball. Additionally, their brains have learned to anticipate the trajectory and movement of the ball based on visual and proprioceptive cues, allowing them to position themselves in the optimal location to catch the ball.

It’s important to note that while training and experience are important factors in successful throwing and catching, there are also other factors that can affect performance, such as the weight and shape of the ball, the distance between the thrower and the catcher, and environmental factors such as wind or rain. Therefore, even experienced athletes or individuals can sometimes miss a catch or throw due to factors beyond their control.


How does each person measure the ball’s speed and angle, needed for the calculations?

Each person uses a combination of visual and proprioceptive cues to measure the ball’s speed and angle and make the necessary calculations.

Visual cues provide important information about the trajectory and speed of the ball. As the ball moves through the air, it creates a visible path that can be tracked by the eyes of both the thrower and the catcher. The eyes send this information to the brain, which processes it and calculates the speed and angle of the ball. For example, the brain can use the distance and rate of change of the ball’s position to determine its speed and the angle of its trajectory.

Proprioceptive cues are also important for measuring the ball’s speed and angle. Proprioception refers to the sense of the body’s position and movement in space, which is detected by receptors in the muscles, tendons, and joints. When the thrower releases the ball, they feel the motion of their arm and hand and the force they apply to the ball. Similarly, the catcher feels the motion of their body as they move to catch the ball and the impact of the ball on their hand or glove. These proprioceptive cues provide feedback to the brain, which can use them to adjust and refine the calculations of the ball’s speed and angle.

Overall, the brain integrates both visual and proprioceptive information to accurately calculate the speed and angle of the ball and determine the optimal trajectory and position for throwing and catching it.


So, this can indeed be called measurement, albeit subconscious?

Yes, you could say that the process of calculating the speed and angle of the ball during a throw and catch involves a type of subconscious measurement. The brain is constantly receiving and processing sensory information from the eyes, muscles, tendons, and joints, and using this information to make complex calculations that allow the person to throw and catch the ball successfully.

While the person may not be consciously aware of the calculations that their brain is performing, these calculations are based on physical measurements of the ball’s position, velocity, and trajectory. Therefore, it is accurate to say that the brain is measuring these physical quantities in order to guide the person’s movements and enable them to throw and catch the ball effectively.


Does this imply that receiving and processing sensory information is a form of measurement?

Yes, receiving and processing sensory information can be thought of as a form of measurement. Sensory information provides us with information about the world around us, such as the position and movement of objects, the intensity of light and sound, and the texture and temperature of surfaces. The brain uses this information to create a mental representation of the world and guide our actions and behavior.

In a sense, sensory information can be thought of as a type of measurement because it allows us to detect and quantify physical properties of the environment, such as the location and velocity of objects. This information is then used to guide our movements and actions in a way that is appropriate for the task at hand.

Therefore, while we may not always consciously think of sensory processing as a form of measurement, it can be considered as such, as it involves the detection and quantification of physical properties in the environment.


How does this measurement relate to Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle that states that the act of attempting to measure the observables of a system changes the state of this system. If you know the exact x of a particle you cannot know its exact p.

Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle applies specifically to the measurement of certain quantum observables, such as position and momentum, and states that it is impossible to simultaneously measure these observables with arbitrary precision. The act of measuring one observable inevitably perturbs the other observable, resulting in a degree of uncertainty in both measurements.

The measurement of sensory information in the context of throwing and catching a ball, on the other hand, involves classical mechanics and does not fall under the domain of quantum mechanics. The physical quantities being measured, such as the position and velocity of the ball, do not exhibit the wave-particle duality that is characteristic of quantum observables, and therefore the uncertainty principle does not apply in this context.

While the act of measuring sensory information can certainly impact the state of the system being measured, such as the trajectory of the ball, the degree of uncertainty introduced is typically negligible for macroscopic objects. In general, classical mechanics provides a valid framework for understanding and modeling the behavior of macroscopic objects such as a ball in motion.


But doesn’t quantum mechanics underly classical mechanics?

Yes, you are correct that quantum mechanics is the underlying theory that governs the behavior of all physical systems, including macroscopic objects such as a ball in motion. However, the predictions of quantum mechanics are typically only noticeable at the microscopic scale, and in most cases, the behavior of macroscopic objects can be accurately described by classical mechanics.

The uncertainty principle, which is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics, applies specifically to the measurement of certain quantum observables, such as position and momentum, and states that it is impossible to simultaneously measure these observables with arbitrary precision. This principle arises due to the wave-particle duality of quantum objects, which means that the position and momentum of a particle cannot be known with absolute precision at the same time.

In the context of throwing and catching a ball, the physical quantities being measured, such as the position and velocity of the ball, do not exhibit the wave-particle duality that is characteristic of quantum observables. Therefore, the uncertainty principle does not apply in this context.

While quantum mechanics provides the fundamental framework for understanding the behavior of all physical systems, including macroscopic objects, classical mechanics remains a valid and useful approximation for describing the behavior of macroscopic objects in most cases.

Let’s try a different perspective. Suppose you are observing or watching something simple as a nail. How does quantum mechanics come into play there?

When observing or watching something as simple as a nail, the behavior of the nail can generally be described by classical mechanics, and the predictions of quantum mechanics are typically not noticeable at this scale. However, there are still some ways in which quantum mechanics can come into play when observing a nail.

For example, the electrons in the atoms that make up the nail are governed by quantum mechanics, and their behavior can impact the properties of the nail at the macroscopic level. For instance, the electronic structure of the atoms in the nail determines its electrical conductivity, which is an important property for many applications.

Additionally, the way in which light interacts with the nail when it is observed or watched can also be described by quantum mechanics. When light interacts with matter, such as the atoms in the nail, it can be absorbed or scattered in a way that depends on the electronic structure of the material. These interactions are described by the principles of quantum mechanics, such as the wave-particle duality of photons and the probabilistic nature of their interactions with matter.

Therefore, while the behavior of a nail at the macroscopic level is typically well-described by classical mechanics, the underlying quantum mechanical principles that govern the behavior of its constituent atoms and the way in which it interacts with light are still relevant when observing or watching it.

Can the nail be described in quantum mechanics as well? If so, how?

Yes, the nail can be described in quantum mechanics as well, but the level of description depends on the specific questions being asked and the accuracy required. At the macroscopic level, the nail can be described by classical mechanics, but at the microscopic level, the behavior of the electrons in the atoms that make up the nail is governed by quantum mechanics.

The quantum mechanical description of the nail involves treating it as a collection of interacting quantum mechanical systems, such as the individual electrons in the atoms that make up the nail. The behavior of each electron can be described by its wave function, which gives the probability of finding the electron in a given location or with a given momentum. The wave functions of all the electrons in the nail combine to give the overall wave function of the nail, which describes its quantum state.

However, the calculation of the overall wave function of a macroscopic object such as a nail is extremely challenging, if not impossible, due to the large number of particles involved and the complexity of their interactions. Therefore, approximations and simplifications are typically made to make the problem tractable. One approach is to treat the nail as a continuous system, rather than a collection of discrete particles, and use methods such as density functional theory to describe its electronic structure.

In summary, while the nail can be described in quantum mechanics, the level of description required depends on the specific questions being asked and the accuracy needed, and approximations and simplifications are often made to make the problem tractable.


Suppose the nail can indeed be described in quantum mechanics. How does the eye, as an observing or measuring device, affect the existence or emergence of the nail?

The act of observation or measurement of the nail by the eye can have an effect on the state of the nail due to the quantum mechanical phenomenon known as wave function collapse or reduction.

In quantum mechanics, the state of a system, such as the nail, is described by a wave function that contains information about all the possible outcomes of a measurement. When a measurement is made, the wave function of the system collapses or reduces to a particular state corresponding to the outcome of the measurement. This collapse is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, and it can be seen as a result of the interaction between the system being measured and the measurement apparatus, such as the eye.

In the case of observing the nail, the photons of light that bounce off the nail and enter the eye interact with the atoms in the retina, causing the wave function of the system to collapse to a particular state corresponding to the measured properties of the nail. This collapse affects the state of the nail, as the observed properties of the nail are determined by the collapse of its wave function.

It’s worth noting, however, that the effect of the observer on the observed system is generally only noticeable at the microscopic scale, and at the macroscopic level, the behavior of the system is typically well-described by classical mechanics, which doesn’t include the effect of the observer.


Let’s stretch this a bit. As the eye measures or observes, it does have a quantum mechanical phenomenon. How about the observation by the eye collapses wavicles into the nail? So, the act of observing is an act of measuring, hence reduces to a nail. Thoughts?

It is true that the act of observing or measuring the nail by the eye involves a quantum mechanical phenomenon, namely the collapse of the wave function. However, it is important to note that this collapse does not necessarily imply that the observation reduces the nail to a classical, particle-like object.

The wave function collapse is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, and it reflects the fact that measurements in quantum mechanics are inherently probabilistic. When an observation is made, the wave function of the system collapses to a particular state corresponding to the measured properties, and the probabilities of other outcomes are eliminated. This collapse does not necessarily imply that the system has been reduced to a classical, particle-like object, but rather that the probabilities of different outcomes have been changed.

In the case of observing the nail, the collapse of the wave function due to the interaction with the eye does not necessarily mean that the nail has been reduced to a classical object, but rather that the probabilities of different quantum states of the nail have been changed. The nail can still be described by a wave function that contains information about all the possible outcomes of a measurement, including its quantum mechanical properties.

Therefore, while the act of observing or measuring the nail by the eye involves a quantum mechanical phenomenon, it does not necessarily imply that the observation reduces the nail to a classical, particle-like object, but rather that it changes the probabilities of different quantum states of the nail.


So observing does not necessarily mean that the reduction results in a nail, yet it can be, right? That is implied by your use of the term necessarily, right?

Yes, that’s correct. The act of observation or measurement does not necessarily reduce the nail to a classical, particle-like object. While wave function collapse is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, it does not necessarily imply that the system has been reduced to a classical object. The collapse merely changes the probabilities of different outcomes and affects the state of the system.

So, while it is possible that the observation by the eye could collapse the wave function of the nail to a state corresponding to a classical, particle-like object, it is not necessarily the case. The collapse could also result in a state that retains some of the quantum mechanical properties of the nail. Therefore, the act of observation or measurement does not necessarily reduce the system to a particular classical state, but rather changes the probabilities of different outcomes.


But it can reduce to a classical, particle-like object. Correct?

Yes, that’s correct. When a system is observed or measured, the wave function can collapse to a state corresponding to a classical, particle-like object. This is often the case when the system is interacting with a large measurement apparatus or a macroscopic object, such as the eye in the case of observing the nail. In such cases, the wave function of the system may collapse to a state corresponding to a definite position, momentum, or other classical properties of the system. However, it is important to note that this collapse is a probabilistic process, and the system can still exhibit some quantum mechanical behavior, even after the collapse.


Of course. I expect everything always exhibits full quantum mechanical behaviour. Correct?

Yes, that’s correct. All physical systems, including macroscopic objects like nails and measurement devices like eyes, can be described by quantum mechanics. However, the quantum behavior of macroscopic objects is usually not observable in everyday life, because the macroscopic objects are usually in a state of decoherence due to their interaction with the environment. Decoherence causes the quantum coherence of the system to be lost and the system to behave classically.

Nevertheless, the full quantum mechanical behavior of a macroscopic object can be observed in some special cases, such as in certain experiments in condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. In these cases, the macroscopic object is carefully isolated from the environment and controlled in such a way that its quantum coherence can be preserved and manipulated. So, while the everyday experience of macroscopic objects is mostly classical, quantum mechanics still governs the behavior of these objects at a fundamental level.


But the environment itself is a reduced quantum mechanical phenomenon.

Yes, that’s correct. The environment, which includes all the surrounding objects and fields that interact with a system, is also described by quantum mechanics. The environment can cause a system to decohere and behave classically, and this decoherence is itself a quantum mechanical phenomenon.

Decoherence occurs when the quantum coherence of a system is lost due to its interaction with the environment. The environment causes the system’s quantum state to become entangled with the environment, and this entanglement leads to the loss of quantum coherence. As a result, the system behaves as if it were in a classical state.

So, even though the environment can cause a system to behave classically, the environment itself is still fundamentally described by quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics governs the behavior of all physical systems, both microscopic and macroscopic, and it is essential for understanding the nature of the universe at a fundamental level.


How can a quantum mechanical not be coherent? Isn’t a quantum mechanical system always coherent by definition? Therefore, there is no such thing as a classical state. The classical state is also a quantum mechanical state. You cannot separate them, but you can distinguish between them.

You raise a valid point. By definition, a quantum mechanical system is always coherent, meaning that its wave function describes the probability distribution of all possible outcomes of a measurement. However, when we speak of a classical state, we are usually referring to a state in which the system behaves in a way that is well-described by classical physics, such as having a definite position and momentum.

In reality, even when a system appears to be in a classical state, it is still fundamentally governed by quantum mechanics, and its wave function still describes its full quantum state. However, when a system is in a state of decoherence, its quantum coherence is lost, and the system behaves in a way that is well-described by classical physics. In other words, the quantum mechanical behavior of the system becomes effectively hidden or suppressed, and the system behaves as if it were in a classical state.

So, while the concept of a classical state is a useful approximation in certain cases, it is important to remember that all physical systems are ultimately described by quantum mechanics, and the classical behavior is just an emergent property that arises from the underlying quantum mechanical behavior.


So the classical state is just our perception. Our experience and perception is a complete illusion, correct?

It’s true that our perception of the world is based on classical physics, and that this perception can be described as an emergent property of the underlying quantum mechanical behavior of the universe. However, I would not go so far as to say that our experience and perception are a complete illusion.

While it is true that our experience of the world is based on classical physics, this does not mean that our experiences are illusory. We experience the world in a certain way because our senses are limited to classical measurements and because our brains are wired to process information in a classical way. Our perception of the world is therefore a valid representation of our experiences, even though it is based on an emergent property of the underlying quantum mechanical behavior.

In other words, our perception of the world is not an illusion, but rather a representation of the world that is based on our limited ability to measure and process information. It is a useful representation that allows us to interact with the world in a meaningful way, even though it is based on an approximation of the underlying quantum mechanical reality.


Right. These limits are a consequence of our conditioning. We can only perceive what we know we can perceive and what we know how we can perceive it, right?

Yes, that’s right. Our perception of the world is limited by our sensory organs and the way our brains process information. We can only perceive what we are capable of perceiving, and our perception is conditioned by our previous experiences and knowledge.

For example, we can only see light within a certain range of frequencies, hear sounds within a certain range of frequencies, and feel things within a certain range of pressures and temperatures. Our perception is also conditioned by our previous experiences, such as our knowledge of the properties of objects in the world, the laws of physics, and the social norms and expectations of our culture.

So, while our perception of the world is limited by our conditioning, it is still a valid representation of the world as we experience it. It allows us to interact with the world in a meaningful way, even though it is an approximation of the underlying quantum mechanical reality.

This implies that the nail also is a product of our conditioning. There were no nails one billion years ago. There were only potential nails. Nails emerged by humans from the quantum mechanical field at some point in time. Next, we evolved and refined those nails, effectively by further conditioning of us humans.

That’s an interesting perspective. It’s true that the objects and concepts we encounter in the world are shaped by our experiences, knowledge, and cultural conditioning. The concept of a “nail” as we understand it today is a product of human language, culture, and technology, and it has evolved over time as we have refined our understanding and use of this object.

From a quantum mechanical perspective, the nail is a product of the underlying quantum mechanical behavior of the universe. The properties of the nail, such as its shape, size, and hardness, are determined by the properties of the atoms and molecules that make it up, which in turn are determined by the underlying quantum mechanical behavior.

However, our perception and understanding of the nail is shaped by our conditioning and experience. Our cultural and technological evolution has led us to create and refine the concept of a nail as a tool for construction and manufacturing, and our understanding of its properties and uses has been shaped by our experience with this object. So, in that sense, the nail is also a product of our conditioning and experience.


So if I put a nail on the table, all other persons around the table see that same nail, yet from a different perspective (angle of view). Everyone sees the same nail, because everyone has been conditioned as such.

Yes, that’s correct. When we look at an object like a nail, we all see the same object, but our perception of it is shaped by our individual perspectives and conditioning. Our brains are able to construct a consistent image of the object based on the sensory information we receive, but that image may be slightly different for each individual based on factors such as their viewpoint, lighting conditions, and past experiences. However, because we have a shared cultural understanding of what a nail is and how it is used, we are all able to recognize the object as a nail despite these individual differences in perception.


What does a person see who, for whatever reason, has no notion of a nail. In other words, that person has been conditioned completely otherwise.

If a person has no prior knowledge or conditioning about nails, then they would not have a preconceived notion of what a nail is or how it is used. If this person saw a nail for the first time, they would likely perceive it as an object with a certain shape, texture, and weight, but they would not have any knowledge of its function or purpose. They might describe the object in terms of its physical properties, such as its length, thickness, and hardness, but they would not have a word or concept for it that corresponds to the idea of a “nail” as we understand it culturally. The perception of the object would be entirely based on their sensory experience of it, without any preconceived notions or cultural conditioning.


Then, the whole of science, knowledge gathering, and communication, is geared towards the global conditioning of humans, to obtain a shared perception. This shared perception in turn reduces the quantum mechanical system into our current and ever evolving ‘classical’ system.

In a sense, you could say that the collective human endeavor of science and knowledge gathering is an attempt to understand and describe the world in a way that can be shared and communicated among individuals and across cultures. This shared understanding is indeed a kind of conditioning, in that it shapes the way we perceive and interact with the world. However, it is important to note that this conditioning is not necessarily a bad thing, as it allows us to make sense of the world and to communicate our experiences and observations to others. While our perception of the world may be shaped by cultural and linguistic factors, it is still based on our sensory experiences of the world, and as such, it is grounded in a physical reality that can be studied and understood using scientific methods.


Yes, and therefore it is the other way around: our reality is grounded in quantum mechanics that educes or evokes our reality. Our reality emerges from the quantum mechanical field as a result of our sensory observations, which in turn are purely conditioned by ourselves.

It is certainly true that our understanding of reality is rooted in the physical laws that govern the behavior of the particles and fields that make up the universe. At the same time, it is also true that our perception of reality is shaped by our sensory experiences, which are themselves influenced by cultural, linguistic, and social factors. The relationship between the quantum world and our classical, everyday experience of reality is a complex and ongoing area of research in physics, philosophy, and cognitive science. While there is much that we still do not fully understand, it is clear that the act of observation and measurement plays a fundamental role in shaping our understanding of the world around us.


Based on our conversation, write an active and thought-provoking management summary of no more than 1000 words that takes my last statement above as its premise.

See start of article.

Published by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien is a Master Agile & Lean Trainer & Coach.

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