Telekommunisten – the worker-owned telephone company

Worker Owned and Operated telekommunisten is controlled by it’s workers and committed to staying that way, we believe we can serve our customers best and at the lowest cost by remaining focused on meeting the needs of our employees and customers, not on profits for outside shareholders. Being worker-owned means that all the money you …

SixApart: Opening the Social Graph

[ SixApart: Opening the Social Graph]: :We think that the best way for you to manage your network is to stop thinking about all of the little pieces and to start focusing on the big picture: you and the people who matter to you. We think relationships mean more than email addresses or which service …

SwarmOS Demonstrated at Idea Festival

[ SwarmOS Demonstrated at Idea Festival]: “PacoCheezdom writes ‘Intelligent Life has short summary of a demonstration by MIT professor James McLurkin of his new group-minded robots, which run an operating system called ‘Swarm OS’. The robots are able to work together as a group not by communicating with all members of the group at once, …

Bill Clinton: Giving

[ ] [ Bill Clinton published a book titled ”’Giving”’], focusing on philantropy, charity and volunteering. I feel very much strengthened by this, as it resonates tremenduously with the core brand click ”'[ Geef]”’™ from the [ Aloha project]. Thank you Bill.

Groovy Actors

[ ] Refreshed my link with Gerald “[ tensegrity]” de Jong, triggered by a blog entry from TED titled [ Creatures on the beach] from the Dutch sculptor Theo Jansen which instantly reminded me of Gerald’s [ Fluidiom] and [ Darwin at Home] projects. Gerald’s email signature also mentioned [ Groovy Actors]: :In a nutshell …

Erlang distributed concurrent programming

A new programming language? Well, at least one I never heard of until today. It’s called [ Erlang] and one of the interesting aspects are that it eases ”’concurrent programming”’ and ”’distributed processes”’. Erlang is a programming language designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory. Open-source Erlang is being released to help encourage the spread …

The Science Delusion?

Wonderful rebuttal by Deepak Chopra: [ The Science Delusion? Review of Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion]. Materialism vs. spiritualism and God. And resonating with [[Einstein’s God, or The Hopes for Secular Spirituality]]. Thank you Richard Dawkins, for writing your “The God Delusion” for it creates enormous attention for this ever important subject. You make people …

Einstein’s God, or The Hopes for Secular Spirituality

Wonderful and clear visions on Einstein and God, rational science and spirituality. Chopra uses the term ”’secular spirituality”’. A pretty paradoxal pearl. If Einstein pointed the way to a new form of spirituality through his comment on Buddhism in which he gave the key criteria for a “”’cosmic religion of the future”’.” Such a religion, …

Collective Intelligence

[ ] Converted my [ highlights from Pierre Lévy’s Collective Intelligence]—Mankind’s emerging world in cyberspace to my wiki. Pierre Lévy’s vision towards the noosphere… Key words: ”’nomadic earth, molar technologies, anthropological spaces, collective intellect, informational universe, commodity space, knowledge space, molecular politics, preceding spaces, collective intelligence, agent intellect, territorial space, intelligent city, fourth space, angelic …

LiveJournal Creator Maps the Long Road to Open Social Networks

:[ LiveJournal Creator Maps the Long Road to Open Social Networks]: “People are growing weary of registering and re-declaring their friends on every new social networking site. But Brad Fitzpatrick, creator of LiveJournal and OpenID, says that the tools to build a decentralized social network don’t yet exist. (Source: [ Wired]) Wow. About time. Since …