MIT Press Book On Open Source Now Free

MIT Press Book On Open Source Now Free: “eaglemoon writes ‘MIT Press has released its book Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software as a free PDF download. The book is a collection of research essays covering topics such as open source motivation, economics, business models, software development process and tools, law, and community. Sort …

The Business Case for Open Source Software

The Business Case for Open Source Software: “An anonymous reader writes ‘An InfoWorld blog entry makes a business case for open source software, and attempts to explain the business benefits of OSS to management and business owners. The primary benefits the piece uses to argue in favor of OSS include ”’no licensing fees”’, and ”’no …

Distributed Implementations of Adaptive Collective Decision Making

Prof. dr. K.R. (Krzysztof) Apt, CWI over collectieve besluitvorming in de economische wetenschappen onderzoekt realistische, gedistribueerde omgevingen waarin beslissingen echter door de betrokken agenten zelf genomen moeten worden, zonder dat ze daarbij kunnen vertrouwen op een onafhankelijke centrale instantie.

Spin—an efficient verification system for distributed software systems

Spin—an efficient verification system for distributed software systems. Spin is a popular open-source software tool, used by thousands of people worldwide, that can be used for the ”’formal verification of distributed software systems”’. The tool was developed at Bell Labs in the original Unix group of the Computing Sciences Research Center, starting in 1980. The …

Ode met leuke ideeën voor nieuwe website

Ode wil een nieuwe website en heeft haar netwerk uitgenodigd voor ideeën. Hier een bekopte samenvatting. *houd informatie vindbaar—groot probleem bij veel forums, blogs en netwerken; *makkelijk bij onderwerpen en andere geïnteresseerden kunnen komen; *dialoog tussen lezers per onderwerp; *een verdere dialoog tussen opiniemakers; *laat gelijkgestemden elkaar vinden en zo zaken kunnen delen (social networking); …

Stephen Hawking Says Universe Created from Nothing

Stephen Hawking Says Universe Created from Nothing: “mr_3ntropy writes ‘Speaking to a sold out crowd at the Berkeley Physics Oppenheimer Lecture, Hawking said yesterday that he now believes ”’the universe spontaneously popped into existence from nothing”’. He said more work is needed to prove this but we have time because ””Eternity is a very long …

Sun Finds a Home in Second Life

Very interesting move. Tuesday, October 11 2006, Sun Microsystems became the first Fortune 500 company to hold an ‘in-world‘ press conference to show off its new pavilion in Second Life, the popular 3D online world. Sun said it plans to invest in the Sun Pavilion as a place for developers to try out code, share …

The Virtual Community, Howard Rheingold

Yes! Found a long lost book review on The Virtual Community by Howard Rheingold back thanks to Apple Spotlight. While at Sun Microsoystems, I sent the review to my fellow Mulitmedia Ambassadors and Human Interaction Engineers wordlwide on September 1st, 1994. I was reading a Wired article on novellist Cormac McCarthy, having an office at …