Reputation: net promoter score (NPS)

Yet another reputation system—a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the result of a customer satisfaction survey in which customers are asked only one so-called “Ultimate” question: :”’How likely are you to recommend Company or Product X to a friend or colleague?”’ Does this work for communities and personal reputation as well? Sparkle from

Digitale LEGO®: moeiteloos doorlopend actueel

Digitale LEGO® moeiteloos doorlopend actueel zonder handmatig onderhoud via mashups”’. [ Google], [ eBay], [ Amazon], [ YouTube], [] en [ Yahoo] geven externe programmeurs toegang tot delen van hun kernsoftware via zogeheten [ API]s: technische bruggetjes. Zo ontstaat een nieuw web van zogenaamde mashups. Kortom, API + API = [ mashup]. Ook bekend …

Can ‘Spiritual Computing’ Drive Web 3.0?

Computer scientists and visionaries today see a future in which Web 3.0 will help us engage in virtual battles with cancer cells, keep us physically independent as we age, and achieve a deeper emotional connection to things that matter most to us. Dana Pavel believes that technology can make a profound difference in our lives …

Spiritual Computing – The Mindfulness/Technology Dialogue

Hmmm… although initially interesting, on closer look there does not seem much activity here. Resonates with my Smart Spiritual Software. Wonder how to rekindle this initiative. See Spiritual Computing – The Mindfulness/Technology Dialogue (Via Tag: spiritual.)

Distributed Implementations of Adaptive Collective Decision Making

Prof. dr. K.R. (Krzysztof) Apt, CWI over collectieve besluitvorming in de economische wetenschappen onderzoekt realistische, gedistribueerde omgevingen waarin beslissingen echter door de betrokken agenten zelf genomen moeten worden, zonder dat ze daarbij kunnen vertrouwen op een onafhankelijke centrale instantie.

Spin—an efficient verification system for distributed software systems

Spin—an efficient verification system for distributed software systems. Spin is a popular open-source software tool, used by thousands of people worldwide, that can be used for the ”’formal verification of distributed software systems”’. The tool was developed at Bell Labs in the original Unix group of the Computing Sciences Research Center, starting in 1980. The …

Sun Finds a Home in Second Life

Very interesting move. Tuesday, October 11 2006, Sun Microsystems became the first Fortune 500 company to hold an ‘in-world‘ press conference to show off its new pavilion in Second Life, the popular 3D online world. Sun said it plans to invest in the Sun Pavilion as a place for developers to try out code, share …