Use a visual tool to drive the right conversations on the right topic on the right time, and capture your vision, strategy, tactics, and evidence on a single A3, also known as the hoshin kanri x-matrix, in order to:
- involve everyone in its cocreation;
- make sure you are doing the right things;
- align all stakeholders to create a laser focus on vital breakthrough aspirations;
- focus all energy on a few crucial goals;
- integrate daily management and operations with strategy;
- provide structured and fast feedback to check progress;
- stay on track and adjust course if needed.
A new design of the traditional hoshin kanri x-matrix aims to make it easier to read and maintain. Rather than having upside-down and vertical tekst, the new design only uses horizontal text.

A hoshin kanri x-matrix is:
- holistic—covers all aspects and stakeholders of your enterprise;
- fact- and evidence-based—crystal clear OKRs help drivers and leaders make timely and right decisions;
- complete—plans are ready to execute when it is clear what you want to achieve and how you will approach it;
- inclusive—involves everyone in the interactive cocreative process of catchball;
- integrated—is integrated on all levels of your organisations, including incentive systems.
Hoshin (方針) means “compass (管理), or pointing the direction,” and Kanri means “management or control”. Combined, these two words show that hoshin kanri is essentially the process for Strategic Direction Setting.
Take a deep dive at hoshin kanri.
Martien, this is beautiful. Appreciate the info. Do you have any additional info on how you developed it? (tools etc.) and pointers on deriving the strong v. weak indicators? Thank you
Hi Joel, thanks for your comment.
I’ve made a version with InDesign. I’m also working on a version in Observable, but that one still needs quite some work in the interactive part. Feel free to give Observable » @martien » X-Matrix a try.
Via e-mail, I asked you: “What do you like about it in particular? What would you find really valuable?”
On which you replied:
You’re welcome.
Hi Martien! Such an awesome work here 🙂
i’m starting with your github as boilerplate
but i could not reproduce your example here
could help me figure out what am i missing?
Ths github version is deprecated, stale. Please use the Observable example. Clone the notebook and change the data to match your needs. Let me know if you need more help.
More examples at
got it to work. awesome!
i first found your project in observable but it’s too cumbersome to “copy”.
needed to wrap values inside “entries”: [“value”] to {“entry”: “value”}